Invest in One of These Long-Lasting Fences

Invest in One of These Long-Lasting Fences

Invest in One of These Long-Lasting Fences

When you invest your hard-earned money in something, you want to be confident that it’s going to be worth it. When it comes to a new fence, most people want to know that what we install for them will keep their yard secure and look great for as long as they live there. We offer two long-lasting fences – vinyl and aluminum – that easily last 50+ years without ever needing serious maintenance.

At Freedom Fence & Railing, we’re a Pittsburgh, PA fence company that delivers practical fence solutions that come in a range of attractive styles. We’re profiling our long-lasting fences which you can count on for decades of reliable performance. Keep reading to find your best option – or reach out to our team and compare prices on the two best long-lasting fencing materials!

Landscaped patio with vinyl fence and stones


Most Durable Fences: Aluminum & Vinyl

Whether you just built a pool, brought home a puppy, or you’ll feel safest with a secure fence around your yard – your fence has an important job to do. If you’re like a lot of customers we talk to, the last thing you want to do is replace that fence because it breaks down or falls apart. We have two great solutions for you – here’s what to know about the most durable fences on the market:


Vinyl Fences  

The clean and elegant look of a vinyl fence hides remarkable strength and longevity. These durable fences are completely immune to the rust, rot, and mold that often destroy other fence materials. Not only can you expect half a century of performance from this long-lasting fence, but you’ll never need to perform regular maintenance to protect its integrity. Plus, vinyl privacy fences are the best choice for keeping your yard free from prying eyes!

  • Will Last 50+ Years
  • Will Never Require Serious Maintenance
  • Clean It with Soap and Water
  • Wide Range of Styles, from Picket to Full Privacy
Get a Quote on Vinyl



Aluminum Fences  

Just how strong are the aluminum fences we install? They are as close as it gets to durable fences that last forever! Just like vinyl, aluminum is 100% immune to rot, mold, rust, or any other kind of deterioration from being outdoors. Even better, if you choose a darker aluminum fence color, you’ll never even need to clean it! Truly, this is the most practical option for those who never want to worry about their fence ever again. While these durable fences are designed to be tough above all else, they also have a sleek and stylish modern profile that looks fantastic paired with many different houses.

  • The Longest Fence Lifespan on the Market
  • Will Never Require Serious Maintenance
  • No Need to Clean Dark Colored Fences
  • Sleek and Contemporary Look
Get a Quote on Aluminum


Bottom line: either of these long-lasting fences will give you your money’s worth in terms of longevity, style, and ease of ownership. If you’re not sure which one you want, talk to our team to see in-person samples of each.


Complement Your Fence with Long-Lasting Deck Railings

Long-lasting vinyl fencing around backyard and playset

Fences that last forever are one of the best ways to invest in your yard. You can also find the same low-maintenance, long lifespan advantages in deck railings as well. Just like with our durable fences, vinyl and aluminum railings provide you decades of protection without the maintenance demands of other railing materials. Replacing old and possibly rotten wooden railings with an up-to-date product is another strong home investment.

Explore modern railing styles for decks!


Get a Quote to Install Long-Lasting Fences

When you’re ready to take the next step, our team is standing by to help. The experience of working with Freedom Fence & Railing begins with an at-home consultation during which we’ll show you material options, measure your yard, and get you a price to build the long-lasting fence you want.

Reach out today to schedule your no-obligation consultation with us!

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